Food Fraud Insight Reports

  • Review of ISO Terms and Definitions Related to Food Fraud, Food Defense or Food Defence, Food Protection, and Food Integrity with Proposed Adapted Definitions (Working Paper)
    • Summary: This paper presents a comprehensive review of the International Standards Organization (ISO) definitions related to food fraud, food defense or food defence, food protection, and food integrity. It explores the existing terms in ISO standards and offers adapted definitions based on these frameworks. Terms like “food fraud” are not defined but have been well-established in ISO standards. On the other hand, the definitions of “food defense,” “food protection,” and “food integrity” have not been defined and have been less clearly established. The research concludes that while ISO-derived definitions can serve as an international, consensus-based foundation, it is most efficient for them to be refined to match the evolving needs of the food safety and security sectors. This report proposed a set of adapted definitions.
  • Review of Terms and Definitions Related to Supply Chain Management for Disruption, Disaster, and Interruption with a focus on ISO definitions compared to  common usage (Working Paper)
    • Summary: After a thorough analysis of ISO definitions and common usage of terms, “supply chain disruption” is identified as the most precise and widely applicable descriptor for interruptions affecting the flow of goods and services. This report reviews the definitions of “disruption,” “disturbance,” “disaster,” and “interruption” within the context of supply chain management, focusing on ISO standards. The research highlights terminology from International Standards Organization (ISO) Technical Committee 292 on Security and Resilience, emphasizing definitions that influence supply chain operations. By comparing ISO definitions with common usage, the study clarifies the varying applications of these terms.
  • Supply Chain Management Overview of Food Defense
    • Summary: A specific type of supply chain disruption occurs when products are attacked with the intent of causing harm to a target or company. This disruption is an intentional act designed to create public health concerns, economic losses, or terror-related impacts on a product, company, or country. In the food industry, this is known as food defense. Food defense includes measures to comply with laws, regulations, standards, and certifications. To illustrate the application of these principles, this primer focuses on food defense prevention. To provide an example of an application, this supplement on food defense prevention was created. This was originally created as a supplement for the Michigan State University (MSU) Introduction to Supply Chain Management Course (SCM303) coursepack, building on the Risk Management module. 
  • Enterprise Risk Management: Implementation and Best Practices for Food Fraud Prevention with a Survey (ERM3)
    • Summary: This is the third of three reports in our ERM series. The survey was conducted to focus on and understand the thoroughness of implementing Food Fraud Prevention Strategies. Food fraud prevention continues to evolve and formalize. The next step is more formal management systems, including more structured resource-allocation decision-making. Risk tolerance and risk appetite can become a standard and almost automatic process, which can decentralize split-second decision-making but still control the actions within an overall comfort level. A fully integrated system is possible and ideal for competently managing vulnerabilities and reducing the impact and cost of hazards. The case study example of the evolved Kerry Global Supply Quality Risk and Vulnerability Management System will help food fraud managers understand implementation.
  • Applying Enterprise Risk Management to Food Fraud Prevention (ERM2)
    • Summary: This is the second of three reports in our ERM series. For combating food fraud, a holistic and all‐encompassing approach includes specialized methods to assess past incidents in the marketplace, review the fraud opportunity, conduct assessments, connecting to enterprise‐wide decision‐making systems such as Enterprise Risk Management, and refine internal control systems. This report builds upon previous food fraud prevention and food fraud Enterprise Risk Management research to provide a case study example of a complex food fraud management system. The case study was on the Kerry Group’s specific Global Supply Quality Risk and Vulnerability Management and Governance system. Results: The report and case study demonstrate how a holistic and all‐encompassing approach to food fraud prevention created control systems and risk communication for an enterprise. Conclusion: The entire Food Fraud Prevention Cycle provides a foundation for a rational and integrated approach that “connects everything to everything.”
  • The Role of Enterprise Risk Management in Food Fraud Prevention (ERM1)
    • Summary: This is the first of three reports in our ERM series. An enterprise‐wide risk perspective such as Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) provides a widely adopted and structured approach for managing Food Fraud prevention. ERM supports resource‐allocation decision‐making through plotting the Food Fraud Vulnerability Assessment on a Corporate Risk Map. GFSI has been leading this through specifying a (1) Food Fraud Vulnerability Assessment (FFVA) that covers all products and a (2) enterprise‐wide Food Fraud Prevention Plan (FFPP). A missing link in Food Fraud prevention was an enterprise‐wide correlation of the risk to all other portfolio risks. An enterprise could be a private company, a government-owned the company, or a government. Fortunately, most companies have already implemented COSO based Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) type systems for securities or financial audit compliance.   
  • Review: Final Rule for FSMA Intentional Adulteration (Food Defense) Regarding Food Fraud and EMA
    • Summary: Even though Food Fraud (FF) and Economically Motivated Adulteration (EMA) are not a compliance requirement for FSMA‐IA, this final rule provides important insight into FSMA and assessments: 1. Addressing all types of Food Fraud is a requirement – and subject to a recall – under the Food, Drug & Cosmetics Act (FDCA).   2. FDA specifically reiterated the FDCA compliance requirement in sections on “Adulterated Foods” and “Misbranded Foods.” 3. FSMA‐IA stated that stolen goods (various types of theft) that lead to a public health hazard are clearly defined and expected to be covered under FSMA‐PC. 4. There were no more clarifications of key terms such as reasonably foreseeable hazard, significant vulnerability, rare occurrence, credible threat, or the threshold of acceptable or unacceptable.
  • Review: Final Rule for FSMA Produce Safety Rule (FSMA‐PS) Regarding Food Fraud and EMA
    • Summary: The US Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Final Rule (FSMA‐PS) does not directly address Food Fraud (FF) or Economically Motivate Adulteration (EMA) other than referring to the FSMA Preventative Controls rule (FSMA‐PC) and the US Food Drug & Cosmetics Act (FD&C). FSMA‐PS focuses on biological health hazards only and not physical or chemical contaminants. As such, there are no additional FF/EMA regulatory compliance requirements for FSMA‐PS. This Final Rule does provide insight to other FSMA compliance questions.
  • Review of GFSI Food Fraud Technical Document: Tackling Food Fraud through Food Safety Management Systems
    • Summary: The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) published the GFSI Food Fraud Technical Document titled “Tackling Food Fraud through Food Safety Management Systems.” This publication supports the previous reports on GFSI food fraud position paper (2014) and GFSI Benchmarking Document (2017). This new document reinforces the previous statements and supports the efforts to “just get started.” This new document is a key for confirming the definition, scope, starting point, and the expectation for the first compliance requirements.
  • Review: Review of the New GFSI Guidance Document Issue 7 Regarding Food Fraud
    • Summary: On February 8th GFSI issued a public request for comments on the new Guidance Document Issue 7 including new Food Fraud requirements which is open until February 19th. Instructions and links to provide comments are included below. Both FSMA and now the GFSI require food producers and distributors to address economically motivated food safety hazards or Food Fraud health hazards (FFH, as opposed to Food Fraud economic threats or FFE). There are four new Food Fraud clauses that are included in each of the thirteen GFSI sections. Addressing Food Fraud is not optional. For FSMA and now GFSI, to address all economically motivated food safety hazards, addressing all types of Food fraud is not optional.
  • A Review of ISO Standards Terminology Regarding Product Integrity and Authenticity
    • Summary: A review of International Standards Organization (ISO) published standards revealed that the core food fraud-related terms have been used across many disciplines (e.g. integrity, authenticity, authentication, adulterant, adulteration, adulterated, and product fraud from Table 1 includes a keyword search summary of entries in the “Terms & Definitions” sections of ISO standards. An expanded Table 2 includes detailed quotes and Table 3 includes adulterant and product fraud.
  • The Risk of Document Fraud in the Food Supply Chain: Preliminary Findings from the Food Document Fraud Survey
    • Summary: Food fraud is a global problem that can have devastating economic effects and poses considerable risks to public health, safety, and food security. While prevention is the key to alleviating it, the risks must be identified and the fraud opportunities have to be reduced. One such risk is document fraud, however, our understanding of this problem in the food supply chain is limited. The purpose of this backgrounder is to introduce you to the document fraud concept and highlight the preliminary findings resulting from the Food Document Fraud Survey.

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